Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

Cover of Boys Town β€Ž"What’s β€œjust” has been debated for centuries, but let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then, tell me how much of what I earn β€œbelongs” to you -- and why?" -- Walter Williams Williams … Continue reading Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

The 20 things that bug me

Just a few things that bug me: When your in a store and the person in front of you is on there phone and checking out. They always take longer, because they are more concerned about there phone call than checking out. Really, you mean to tell me the call cant wait 5 minuets why … Continue reading The 20 things that bug me

The Vote, The Voice

Image via Wikipedia We have just under two weeks left until November 2nd and the vote to take back what is ours, our state and our country. What scares me is people will look at the pool numbers and decide not to vote, thinking that there vote will not matter. How wrong you are, every … Continue reading The Vote, The Voice