Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

Cover of Boys Town β€Ž"What’s β€œjust” has been debated for centuries, but let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then, tell me how much of what I earn β€œbelongs” to you -- and why?" -- Walter Williams Williams … Continue reading Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

State sponsored vacations

Michigan senator finds $2M in out-of-state Bridge card use From The Detroit News:$2M-in-out-of-state-Bridge-card-use#ixzz1LO0sKgs3 Really…. I find it hard to read articles like this, because I find it hard to understand how people abuse the system like that. But I should not be shocked, when you create a nanny state, a co-dependency between people and … Continue reading State sponsored vacations

How Silly

Times are hard here in Michigan, the unemployment rate is 10.5% or so, that’s a lot of people without jobs. Allstate Insurance is currently running an ad stating that they started up during the great depression and have lasted through 11 down turns”. The ad goes on to say that during the hard times, we … Continue reading How Silly