Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

Cover of Boys Town β€Ž"What’s β€œjust” has been debated for centuries, but let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then, tell me how much of what I earn β€œbelongs” to you -- and why?" -- Walter Williams Williams … Continue reading Could Boys Town work today? And other thoughts on Charity and Social Justice.

Germany, Liberals and Me

Image via Wikipedia I just returned from a trip from Germany and was reminded why I dislike liberal point of views. As always the Germans feel a need to tell me how great Obama is and who the rich need to pay even more in taxes, as if they have a vote or say so … Continue reading Germany, Liberals and Me

Obama makes it look like President Bush shopped at Wal-Mart

In truth I need to write nothing, there is nothing I can really add to this…. But a blog is about writing, so here I go… President Bush, at the time, was called in to check, rightly so, for spending way to much of our children's money. But from what I can tell Obama and … Continue reading Obama makes it look like President Bush shopped at Wal-Mart

A strong conviction

Image via Wikipedia With the political session to start in full swing soon, I thought I would take the time to mention a few things. As any reader of this blog knows, I am a concretive both in my faith and politics, I state my opinions, sometimes not very well received by others, but I … Continue reading A strong conviction

This is my body

Image via Wikipedia In a soft voice, full of concern it was spoken. β€œThis is my body”. It was spoken with a love that was felt by all and it lofted lightly in the air waiting for the soft breeze  to carry it away. Contrast that with the biting words being spoken, words that hurt … Continue reading This is my body