Smaller tax refunds mean some won’t catch up on bills | Tompor

Maybe it’s time people become responsible with the money they have, and not depend on something that may not be there.  Tax refunds are not guaranteed, the law could and dose change all the time. With the extra in the pay check every week, due to the tax cuts, people should have considered the fact that, more in the pay check, lower tax rate, means less to get refunded… Yet they did not, and of course it’s all Trumps fault…

It’s time to stop spending like there is no tomorrow, because, you know what, there is… And one day the bill will come due, and you will have to pay for the frills of yesterday….

It’s time for Americans to learn how to save, but more importantly, how to spend.

Here is a good read…

Some catch up on old bills, such as car payments, when they get their tax refunds. But refunds could be smaller than expected this year.

Source: Smaller tax refunds mean some won’t catch up on bills | Tompor

And here is a link on how to learn how to save and spend: Dave Ramsey

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