The Lessons of American Leadership

"The surrender at Saratoga" shows General Daniel Morgan in front of a French de Vallière 4-pounder. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Over the past weekend We celebrated Memorial Day here in the States, a day to stop and thank all the veterans that fought to keep this country safe and free. As part of my celebration I … Continue reading The Lessons of American Leadership

The 7 Priorities

Below is the start of a new presentation/workshop I am working on, I thought I will give a little sneak preview of it. It is still a work-in-progress document, and I am sure lots will change, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know. I hope you enjoy, … Continue reading The 7 Priorities


Image via Wikipedia Thanksgiving, an American holiday… Yes I know Canada has thanksgiving also, but I am talking about the American Thanksgiving, our Holiday, our day to give thanks. In todays politically correct world I am shocked that someone has not mandated that we change the name from Thanksgiving to something like, I am Sorry … Continue reading Thanksgiving