The Passing of George

Yesterday was the one month anniversary of the passing of one of my best friends. He was only 8 years old, still in the prime of his life. George, my friends name, was my dog. Now some people think itโ€™s sill how some (like me) act when a pet passes. But I was devastated, it … Continue reading The Passing of George

My one Joy

One of my favorite things to do is to read, I love to read. I read books for enrichment, for pleasure and for spiritual growth. And I love to read several books at one time. I have been known to have five books going at one time. At the moment I have 6 books in … Continue reading My one Joy

I Jest

You ever have someone read you completely wrong, or at least you think they are. I have it happen all the time; people take my humor as reality. I have a very sarcastic humor and somewhat dry, so they have trouble reading me. It drives me crazy, sometimes I feel I need a sign around … Continue reading I Jest

Walk and Talk

It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching. St. Francis of Assisi How true is that, you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? That in a nut shell is what the message of Jesus was all about. Knowing our faith is important, but to live … Continue reading Walk and Talk