Muslims Demand That ‘Offensive’ Crosses Be Removed… From CATHOLIC School | Top Right NewsTheir

Ok, call me crazy, but it is a Catholic school… Catholics have crosses, Catholics pray Catholic prayers… Any muslim that is “Offended” by this really needs to have their head examined. And if any court takes this seriously, then we, as Americans, need to reallyexamin how we are allowing our government to take our rights away…

crosses-muslimsA complaint that says crosses at Catholic school are “offensive”, and prevent Muslim

prayers, has been filed against Catholic University in Washington, D.C.

It is only the latest in an endless series of demands for Sharia Law adherence by Muslims in America.

The complaint to the Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights, filed by a leftist professor from rival George Washington University, says there are “too many crosses in every room of Catholic University” which is a “human rights violation that prevents Muslim students from praying there.”

via Muslims Demand That ‘Offensive’ Crosses Be Removed… From CATHOLIC School | Top Right News.

One thought on “Muslims Demand That ‘Offensive’ Crosses Be Removed… From CATHOLIC School | Top Right NewsTheir

  1. Just for the record, no Muslim students from the school had anything to do with filing this complaint. It is a ridiculous piece of political posturing by a GWU prof and nothing more. Folks need to stop worrying about some Sharia Law Conspiracy and start worrying about the “Me-me-me!” Reality of American legislation and litigation…


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